Gregor Razumovsky

Born in W-Germany in 1965; both my parents were journalists and both are deceased. My father’s postings took us to and from the CSSR (65-67) to Frankfurt a.M. (67-69), Den Haag (69-71), Belgrade (71-76), Paris (76-80), Johannesburg (the one in Africa 80-85). Army in W-Germany (85-87), work as “exclusive” tourist guide 88-89. University of Giessen 89-95 Mediaeval History, Philosophy, Eastern European History. Birth of Anna (95).
95-00 work in Central and South Eastern Europe. Birth of twins, Xenia & Leonie (1997). 97 relocation to Austria. 98-00 work for IDM (an objectively speaking not very relevant Think-tank in Vienna). Birth of Sophia (00). Press speaker of the Festspielhaus St. Pölten (01) fired for good reason: I was really, really bad at that job.
01 won the tender of the “EU-Enlargement Correspondent to Austria”, responsible for the “Enlargement Communication Strategy 2001-2006 for Austria”, answering to the cabinet of Günther Verheugen, Commissioner of the DG Enlargement/European Commission.
Founding of Common Sense Consulting in 03, moving to Vienna in 07 and a very, very impressive loss of assets in 08, much like very many other people at the time. And so on… some recurrent work for the Commission, a fair number of clients form the financial sector etc… not so interesting, really. Divorce in 17, three of our daughters remaining with me.
My passions are cooking, reading, endlessly discussing interesting things (to the great dismay of many who not always share my definition of “interesting”).